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We help you be intentional.

Apollo’s waldorf

School Fund


hello, we’re glad you’re here.

Thank you friends and family for your interest and taking the time to learn more about our journey, especially Apollo’s education. Our family has chosen to take the path less traveled, but a path that fits our family’s wants and needs.

We enrolled Apollo into a Waldorf school for 1st grade at Bright Water Waldorf School, located in the Japanese Community Cultural Center in Seattle’s International District.

This school focuses on head, heart, and hands learning. The model inspires holistic advancement through creativity and imagination and teaches their grade school students Japanese, Spanish, Handwork, Woodworking, Aikido, Orchestra, and Band and a rigorous Academic Program appropriate for the child’s age.

We’ve received financial aid for him, but not a full a scholarship. We are an artist family who would love help to support Apollo and his future!

We’ve started a 2023-2024 Waldorf school fund.

You can support Apollo by purchasing a one-of-a-kind art piece, custom song, or donate any amount to his education via venmo.



How to support:

Venmo @dany-srey

  • Donate to fund

    Any $ Amount

  • Purchase a custom song by Apollo


  • Buy Apollo’s one-of-a-kind art


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About bright water / waldorf philosophy


Bright Water Waldorf School

Bright Water Waldorf School offers a developmentally appropriate, multidisciplinary, experiential, and academically rigorous approach to education.

BW prepares their students academically and practically, endowed with an enlivened capacity for original thinking, self-awareness and compassion for others, and the will and skills to work in the world.

Children are met where they are and grow to be infused with understanding, resilience, a strong sense of their own capabilities, and a love of learning that will last a lifetime.

They receive an academically rigorous education in English, History, the Sciences and Mathematics infused with music, movement and the arts.

Waldorf Education

Waldorf education aims to inspire life-long learning in all students and to enable them to fully develop their unique capacities.

They integrate the arts in all academic disciplines. Music, movement and theater, writing, literature, legends and myths are not simply subjects to be read about and tested. They are experienced. Through these experiences, Waldorf students cultivate their intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual capacities to be individuals certain of their paths and to be of service to the world. 

Waldorf sees beyond competitive testing, academic placement, and rewards to motivate learning and allows motivation to arise from within. It helps engender the capacity for joyful life-long learning.

How we discovered Waldorf

Over the years, many synchronicities led us to a creative future for Apollo.

When we first put Apollo into childcare at 1.5 yo, our family was a part of collaborative community art space. One of the other artist tenants owned an in-home daycare that was conscious, creative, and gave lots of room for kiddos to explore and imagine. It really aligned with our life.

When Apollo was 3 yo, Devyn came across Waldorf Philosophy in a Paul Chek podcast and that stuck with him for when we started to look into his elementary education.

When we moved back to Seattle, the public charter school that he went to in the beginning of this year wasn’t a good choice for him and it wasn’t a school where our family felt seen or heard.

We were introduced to Mount Baker Waldorf Preschool and Bright Water when we were trying to find alternatives. We made the move to get him into that preschool for 2022-23 and we’re excited that he will transfer to another Waldorf school for elementary.

Education with one of his buddies!

Apollo will go on this journey of education with one of his friends, Sola. Having another family who aligns with our education choices and similar on how we move through life, is something special.

Both Apollo and Sola are kiddos of artists / conscious creatives. Creative play dates with lots of room for imagination has been a big thing for these two over the past year. Neighbors turned buddies, they went to the same preschool, public charter school, and now transferring to a Waldorf school together.

Knowing that Sola and her family chose this journey makes us feel safe and confident that they will get to experience Waldorf education.





Our goal is to fund $7777 for his education & have Apollo learn the skill of energy exchange for his creations.

Chrystal Orduz - fund - $100

Smey, Marcie, Bella Srey - art - $100

India Posner - art - $55

Niradey Veasna - song, art, fund - $300

Princess Fernando - art - $50

JoeAnn Park - art - $100

Vanessa Khamsaly - art - $50

Grace Kong - song, fund - $227

Brooke Clavesilla - art - $55

Amit Sabag - fund - $44

Katherine Perez - art - $55

Jess Altamirano - art - $55

Paige McCrumb - art - $55

Jessenia Galvan-Lloyd - fund - $33

Chet Srey - art - $100

Mea Lath - fund - $33.33

Susana Amundarain - art - $50

Tobi Lopez - song - $77

Daravy Khuth - fund - $100

Tenzin Tsomo - song - $100

Joanne Aquino - fund - $30

Hanh Nguyen - fund - $40

Tracey Muwanguzi - fund - $50

Rosario Carlos - art - $55

Tavie Srey - song - $77

Tyler Fawcett - art - $55

Desirae Bamba- fund - $40

Jerrell Briscoe - fund - $30

Kat Mills Martin - fund - $33

Julie Sayamoungkhounm - art - $100

Jessica Wood - song - $100

Tina Le - art - $55

Gwen Delmore - fund - $25

Meaghan Guterman - fund - $50

Mitch Vega - song - $154

Sophia Pederson - fund - $50

SuYoung - Song - $77

Tony Cao - art - $50

Jamison Hoo - fund - $140

Greg Newhouse - fund - $100

Carolyn Pugh - fund - $100

We have raised $3,160 for his school fund! Thank you everyone!

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